Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tag … I’m it!

I blog to journal our experiences in Costa Rica and so family and friends can see what we’re up to. (Admittedly it’s easier than sending individual emails to everyone who’s interested in our adventures; I hope nobody minds!) While I haven’t ventured far into the blogosphere—no aspirations of winning bloggy awards!—today my journal was recognized by a friend with a “tag.” I’m it!

So part of the game is to answer five questions and then link to someone else’s blog. In a detour from my typical tico-related entries, I’m playing tag today. Here goes:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was anticipating the first birthday of my first baby and spending time with Dan, Erin, and our friends in Washington—enjoying the sun which was finally making regular appearances after a long winter and spring of rain. I suppose we were also getting ready for our move from the beautiful Evergreen State back to the Midwest.

2. What 5 things are on my to-do list?

  • Bake 30 muffins for the girls’ last day of school.
  • Finish creating scrapbook entries for three friends leaving CR soon. (Sob!)
  • Start my packing list for our summer vacation.
  • Laundry (I think this is on just about every list I’ve seen thus far).
  • Organize my desk.

  • 3. What snacks do I enjoy?
    Just about anything with cheese, chocolate chip cookies, veggies and dip, lime 'n chili almonds (Dan brings these back from the US for me and I'm addicted!), popcorn … I'm not too picky!

    4. What things would I do if I were a millionaire?
    Assuming this is a tax-free million to play with ... Invest, pay off our mortgage (if we had one—we don’t at the moment), drop a bundle into the girls’ college funds, donate, buy a few frivolous things, and travel, travel, travel!! And then travel! Think I can do all that for a million?

    5. Where have I lived? (OK, here goes!)

  • San Jose, California
  • La Crosse, Wisconsin
  • Onalaska, Wisconsin
  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Guadalajara, Mexico (studied there one summer—does that count?)
  • Athens, Georgia
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Mayport, Florida
  • Everett, Washington
  • Loveland, Ohio
  • Liberty Township, Ohio
  • Santa Ana, Costa Rica

  • Now I have to tag someone, so I’m going to choose my new-to-blogging friend Lori. This will give her an easy entry to write! Have fun!


    Justine said...

    Okay Beanie, what is a lime almond? I have never heard of them, but yum, that sounds good!

    Justine :o )

    Four in Costa Rica said...

    Hey Just,

    I put a link on the almonds for you so you can see what I'm talking about. They are soooo yummy! :)


    Lisa said...

    Dang girl! You have moved around a lot! Baking 30 muffins sounds like a lot of work too!