So part of the game is to answer five questions and then link to someone else’s blog. In a detour from my typical tico-related entries, I’m playing tag today. Here goes:
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was anticipating the first birthday of my first baby and spending time with Dan, Erin, and our friends in Washington—enjoying the sun which was finally making regular appearances after a long winter and spring of rain. I suppose we were also getting ready for our move from the beautiful Evergreen State back to the Midwest.
2. What 5 things are on my to-do list?
3. What snacks do I enjoy?
Just about anything with cheese, chocolate chip cookies, veggies and dip, lime 'n chili almonds (Dan brings these back from the US for me and I'm addicted!), popcorn … I'm not too picky!
4. What things would I do if I were a millionaire?
Assuming this is a tax-free million to play with ... Invest, pay off our mortgage (if we had one—we don’t at the moment), drop a bundle into the girls’ college funds, donate, buy a few frivolous things, and travel, travel, travel!! And then travel! Think I can do all that for a million?
5. Where have I lived? (OK, here goes!)
Now I have to tag someone, so I’m going to choose my new-to-blogging friend Lori. This will give her an easy entry to write! Have fun!
Okay Beanie, what is a lime almond? I have never heard of them, but yum, that sounds good!
Justine :o )
Hey Just,
I put a link on the almonds for you so you can see what I'm talking about. They are soooo yummy! :)
Dang girl! You have moved around a lot! Baking 30 muffins sounds like a lot of work too!
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