Thursday, September 24, 2009

Munching your morning coffee

If you're a coffee drinker in Costa Rica, you're in luck! From what I've been told (though I'd never know from personal experience), CR has some amazing coffee. We've seen it growing right on the mountainsides, and if Dan's coffee consumption is any indication, the joe is delicious.

Now, if you're an avid coffee drinker and a cereal lover ... well, I guess you've hit the jackpot if you're shopping at the local grocery store, all thanks to McCallum's Coffee Flakes. I have no idea if these corn flakes covered in java pack a wallop of caffeine, but at least they're low in sugar, and they're made right here in CR. Afficionados can choose from capuccino, mochaccino, and vanilla—all for about four bucks a box.

¡Pura cafĂ©!


Justine said...

Okay, I loves me some strong coffee. But. I do not think I'd enjoy coffee cereal. That just sounds gross. Has Dan tried it?

Justine :o )

Four in Costa Rica said...

Dan hasn't tried it. He thinks it sounds gross too!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I just returned from Costa Rica, we saw these in Puerto Viejo and bought a box of Vanilla. We absolutely loved them! I'm now trying to find somewhere to buy them online. yummmy!